How Land Surveys Determine Elevation and Flood Zones
Hannah Taylor
February 28, 2025

Determining land elevation and identifying thelocation of floodplains are crucial tasks. In some cases, these assessments areeven mandated by local, state, or federal regulations. Various types of landsurveys are used to determine elevation and whether a property is situatedwithin a flood zone. The following information applies to the state of Florida.
According to the Florida Division of EmergencyManagement, the floodplain is regulated for four main reasons.
- The floodplain must be regulated to protect people and property. By making reasonable decisions, we can avoid the risk of future flooding.
- The second reason for floodplain regulation is to make sure federal flood insurance is available. Before businesses and residents can purchase Federal flood insurance, they must join the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).
- Regulating the floodplain saves tax dollars, by allowing builders to choose smart locations for new builds. Local budgets are impacted every time communities experience flood disasters. Avoiding floodplains when constructing new builds lessens the economic strain.
- Finally, the floodplain is regulated to avoid liability and lawsuits. We must take reasonable steps to protect people and property (Florida Disaster, 2017).
Topographic Surveying
A topographic survey is conducted by asurveyor to determine the elevation and contours of a property. It measures theproperty's height above sea level and evaluates how its features may affectflooding, runoff, and future soil erosion. Despite being far from major bodiesof water, a property well above sea level may lie within a natural floodplain.
Florida boundary surveyors use tools such asGPS, leveling equipment, and photogrammetry to create topographic maps. Theymay also compare current readings to past topographic surveys, which can givean idea as to the rate of elevation and contour change over time.
Floodplain Mapping
Topographic survey data is combined withdata from FEMA and Flood Insurance adjusters to create a comprehensivefloodplain elevation map. Your property will be assigned a floodplain elevationcertificate based on your location, lowest floor elevation, structures, andprojected risk.
According to FEMA, the two most common typesof flooding occur due to a close proximity to a river or ocean. However,construction projects, poor drainage, and heavy rains put anyone at risk. Allareas carry some flooding risk; any place with a 1% chance or higher ofexperiencing a flood each year is considered high risk (FEMA, 2024).
The Importance of Floodplain ElevationCertification
Procuring a floodplain elevation certificateis vital for Florida homeowners. Without a land survey for flood zones, youcannot obtain flood insurance. Without access to flood insurance throughprivate adjusters or FEMA’s National Flood Insurance Program, you may be leftwith catastrophic damage to your home in the event of a natural disaster. Youwould have no way of recovering your costs for damaged or destroyed property. Aflood elevation certificate is a prerequisite to obtaining any flood insurancethrough the National Flood Insurance Program or any private adjuster that workswith this federal program. Additionally, some Florida municipalities legallyrequire flood insurance for certain properties.
Don’t Wait—Have your property surveyed forelevation and flood risk today
Obtaining a flood elevation certificate inFlorida is now easier than ever. First Choice Surveying is the premier providerof land and flood elevation surveys in the state. Serving most of Florida, youcan count on us for professional, courteous, and fast land surveying services. Contactus for a quote today!
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How Land Surveys Determine Elevation and Flood Zones