Kickstart 2025 with Successful Projects
Hannah Taylor
February 28, 2025

Kickstart 2025 withSuccessful Projects
A new year brings fresh opportunities,and for many, that means enhancing their property. Whether you plan to installa pool, build a fence, add a shed, or expand your business space, starting offon the right path is crucial. One of the initial and most significant steps inany property improvement project is obtaining a land survey.
Boundary Survey
Boundary surveys are crucial for anyproperty improvement project, whether you’re installing a new pool, building afence, or adding a shed. These surveys clearly define where your propertybegins and ends, ensuring your plans adhere to legal property boundaries. InFlorida, where property lines can sometimes be ambiguous, a boundary survey isespecially important to prevent encroachments onto neighboring land. Withoutone, you risk constructing a structure partially or entirely on someone else’sproperty, which could lead to costly legal problems. For instance, if a fenceor shed extends beyond your property line, your neighbor has the legal right todemand its removal—without any obligation to compensate you for the loss.Likewise, installing a pool too close to a boundary line could violate setbackrequirements, resulting in fines or required modifications. By obtaining aboundary survey before starting your project, you safeguard your investment,prevent disputes, and ensure a smooth installation process.
ALTA Survey
An ALTA/ACSM (American Land TitleAssociation/American Congress on Surveying and Mapping) Land Title Survey isoften necessary for commercial projects or multi-family properties. Thesesurveys are significantly more detailed than a standard boundary survey becausethey comply with the Minimum Standards Detail Requirements established by theALTA and the National Society of Professional Surveyors (NSPS). ALTA surveysare exhaustive and include specific considerations such as easements, rights ofway, and any modifications or additions that have occurred to the propertysince the last survey was conducted.
In Florida, an ALTA survey may berequired by lenders before financing is approved, particularly for commercialproperties or multi-family developments. These surveys offer a comprehensiveunderstanding of a property’s legal and physical conditions, making themessential when it comes to securing Florida Title Insurance. If you plan to buyor sell property in Florida, it’s crucial to consult with a professionalsurveyor to determine whether an ALTA survey is necessary for your specificsituation.
As-Built Survey
During the construction process,ensuring that the work is progressing according to plan is vital. An As-BuiltSurvey is a detailed record showing how the property and improvements aresituated on the ground compared to the original plans. This type of surveytracks and documents any modifications made during construction, confirmingthat everything aligns with the previously agreed-upon blueprints and complieswith local regulations.
Typically performed at various stagesof a project, As-Built Surveys verify that any changes made during constructionare accurately recorded and adhere to applicable codes and zoning laws. Thishelps avoid potential regulatory issues and ensures that the project stays ontrack, meeting both safety standards and the property owner’s vision.
Ensure 2025 is aSmooth Construction Year
Before starting any propertyimprovement project in 2025, make sure you have the necessary surveys in placeto protect your investment and ensure compliance. Whether you're installing apool, building a fence, or adding a shed, a Florida land survey is a criticalstep to help you avoid potential issues and proceed with confidence.
At First Choice Surveying, we havedecades of experience providing land and boundary surveys throughout Florida.Our team serves many counties across the state, delivering professional andreliable services to help guide your projects and make them a success. Let ushelp you kickstart your 2025 project with the assurance that your land surveyis in expert hands. Contact us today for a quote and get started on the rightfoot.
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